A BRIEF ON ENTITLEMENT OF CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES FOR GENERAL POOL RESIDENTIAL ACCOMMODATION What is General Pool residential accommodation? Government residential accommodations under the administrative control of Directorate of Estates in Delhi and at 31 stations outside Delhi constitute the General Pool residential accommodation (GPRA). Allotment of GPRA is governed as per provisions of the Allotment of Government Residences (General Pool in Delhi) Rules, 1963 and executive instructions issued there under. Who is eligible to apply? All Central Government employees and the employees working under the Government of NCT of Delhi, who are working in the offices, which have been specifically declared eligible for General Pool, are entitled for allotment of accommodation from General Pool. What are entitlements for various types of accommodation? The General Pool accommodation has been classified in 11 categories (excluding Hostel accommodation). The entitlement of an applicant for a particular type is determined with reference to the basic drawn by him on 1st January of the current calendar year. The eligibility Grade pay / Basic Pay for various types of accommodation is as under:
The eligible Grade pay notified for Hostel Accommodation.
(a) The eligibility of an officer for Government Accommodation shall be determined as per grade pay of such officer in his present post held in the Government of India. (b) the date of priority in respect of lower type accommodation i.e Type-IV shall be date of joining in the service of the Government of India, (c) the inter-se seniority for higher type accommodation shall be considered on the basis of following principles, namely: (i) firstly the Grade Pay of the officer; (ii) secondly the priority date within the same Grade Pay. In this case the priority date shall be the date from which the applicant continuously drawing his existing Grade Pay; (iii) where the priority date of two or more officers is the same, the inter-se seniority of the officers shall be determined on the basis of the basic pay i.e, the officers who have a higher pay shall be senior in the waiting list, (iv) where the priority date and the basic pay ot two or more officers are the same, the earlier date of joining in the service of the Government of India shall be the next determining principle of inter-se seniority, (v) where the priority date, basic pay and date of joining in the service of the Government of India of two or more officers are the same, the officer retiring earlier may be accorded higher priority over the officer retiring later, (d) the principle of determining the inter-se seniority of two or more officers as specified in sub-clause (ii) of clause (c) shall be implemented from the 1st January, 2010. (e) where Type-V and Type-VI accommodation has not been classified as Type V-A and Type V-B and Type-VI-A and Type-VI-B respectively, all the officers eligible for Type-V shall be grouped together and similarly those eligible for Typ-VI shall also be grouped together, (f) in the case of Secretary to the Government of India and Additional Secretary to the Government of India, the date of joining in the Government of India at Delhi shall determine their inter-se seniority subject to condition that no junior batch officer of the same service shall get priority over his senior batch officer. Where the date of joining is the same, the date of retirement shall determine their inter-se seniority on the principle that the earlier date shall be given priority over the later date. Other than All India Services (AIS), the date of joining the Government of India, irrespective of the place of posting and service/batch seniority, shall determine the inter-se seniority, (g) officers entitled for Type-V and above accommodation shall also be eligible to apply for accommodation below their entitlement subject to the condition that such accommodation shall not be below Type-IV Spl. accommodation. However, the officers eligible for D-II and Type-IV Spl. shall also eligible to apply for Type-IV accommodation. Source: estates.nic.in | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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For Further Reading,
- 90 days paid leave for central government employees who are victims of sexual harassment
- Govt’s new sexual harassment guidelines: ‘Can transfer accused, give paid leave to complainant’
- Haryana govt revises pension
- 7th CPC Latest News - Gazette Notification for implementation of 7th CPC
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