Fixation of Pay of All India Services on the grant of proforma promotion - regarding No.14021/12/2008-AIS-II Government of India Department of Personnel and Training Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pension North Block, New Delhi, Dated 06.02.2012 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Sub: Fixation of Pay of All India Services on the grant of proforma promotion - regarding.The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s instructions regarding fixation of pay of All India Service Officers on grant of proforma promotion, issued vide letter No. 14021/5/2008-AIS-II, dated 29.09.2008,wherein it is provided that: ‘In case an IAS officer on deputation to a post gets promoted in his cadre to a post in a higher grade, his pay in the pay band will be fixed with reference to the pay in the pay band of the officer immediately junior to him in the cadre of his service. However, the officer in question would continue to draw the grade pay attached to the deputation post for the remaining duration of the deputation.” 2. However, in certain cases, it has been noticed that the pay of All India Service Officers, on grant of proforma promotion to a higher grade in the parent cadre, has been fixed with reference to the pay of a junior in the cadre who was already drawing more pay than the senior officer even before promotion on account of greater length of his service. It has also been noticed that officers, who get proforma promotion in relaxation of Next Below Rule in terms of DOPT O.M. No.8/8/84/Estt.(Pay. I), dated 15.07.1985 as no immediate junior is available for appointment to the higher grade against an available vacancy in the cadre, have sought to get their pay fixed with reference to the pay of a junior in the cadre who has not even been promoted to the higher scale in which they have got proforrna promotion. 3. The matter has been examined in consultation with the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure and it s clarified that fixation of pay on grant of proforma promotion with reference to the pay of junior only means that the pay in pay-band or pay-scale may be fixed in terms of normal rules applicable in the case of fixation of pay of junior in State cadre by grant of one increment @ 3% of basic pay, subject to the maximum of pay band-4 or the pay scale. However, where the deputation post is in any pay band with a grade pay, the grade pay would remain unchanged and where the deputation post is in a pay scale, the pay scale would remain unchanged. sd/- Source: Umashankar) Director (Services) [ |
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For Further Reading,
- Grant of increment
- Surrender of general pool residential accommodation.Holiday Home
- Instructions regarding timely issue of Charge-sheet -DOPT
- Monetary ceiling of briefcase/ladles purses for official purposes -INDIA POST
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