Amendment in Study Leave Rules – Railway Board Order GOVERNMENT OF INDIA No.2011/F(E)-III/2(2)/3MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) New Delhi, dated 05.01.2012 The General Managers/FA&CAOs, All Indian Railways & PUs, (As per Mailing List) Subject : Amendment to the Indian Railway Establishment Code, Vol. I, (1985 Edition) Chapter V – Leave Rules & Appendix V - Study Leave Rules. In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution, the President is pleased to direct that Appendix V of the Indian Railway Establishment Code, Volume-I, (1985 edition) (Third Re-print Edition 2008) be amended as in the Advance Correction Slip No.120 attached. 2. Please acknowledge receipt. sd/- (T.P.Sharma) Deputy Director Finance (Estt.)III, Railway Board INDIAN RAILWAY ESTABLISHMENT CODE VOLUME-I, STUDY LEAVE RULES :FIFTH EDITION - 1985 (THIRD REPRINT EDITION – 2008) APPENDIX V Advance Correction Slip No. 120 1. Sub-rule (5) of Rule 1 under Sub-heading — Conditions for grant of study leave may be substituted with the following :- (a) in clause (ii) for the words “three years from”, the words and brackets "three years (five years in the case of Railway Medical Service Officer who has been granted thirty-six months’ study leave under sub-rule 2 of rule 2) from” shall be substituted; (b) in clause (iii), for the words, “three years after”, the words and brackets “three years (five years In the case of Railway Medical Service Officer who has been granted thirty-six months study leave under sub-rule 2 of rule 2) after” shall be substituted; 2. In the said rules, in Sub-Rule 1 of Rule 14 for the words “three years after”, the words and brackets “three years (five years in the case of Railway Medical Service Officer who has been granted thirty-six months study leave under sub-rule (2) of rule 2) after” shall be substituted. 3. In the said rules in Form A, Form B, Form C and Form D for the words “within a period of three years after” the words “within a period of three years/five years after” shall respectively be substituted. (Authority: Ministry of Railways letter No. 2011/F(E)-III/2(2)/3 New Delhi, Dated 05.01.2012) |
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