DEPARTMENT OF POSTS, INDIAOFFICE OF THE CHIEF POSTMASTER GENERAL, KARNATAKA CIRCLE, BANGALORE-560216 Memo No: STA/4-4/HSG-II/2011 Bangalore 560216 02 /11/2011 The competent authority is pleased to order following promotion/allotments/reallotment in the cadre of Higher Selection Grade-II(Postal) in General Line A- Promotion/Allotment The following LSG officials are promoted to the cadre of HSG-II (Postal) in General line in the scale of Rs 9300-34800 with Grade Pay of Rs 4200/=(pre revised pay scale of Rs 5000-150-8000) with immediate effect and allotted to the Regions shown against their names.
The Regional heads are requested to issue posting orders to the officials allotted to their regions immediately and copy of the memo sent to this office. Posting order in respect of officials allotted to Bangalore Region will be issued separately. The promotions ordered are subject to the following conditions. a)In case of any vigilance/disciplinary case is pending or contemplated against the official he should not be relived for promotion and the fact should be reported to this office at once. b)If the official declines the promotion, he will not be considered for promotion to HSG-II cadre for one year from the date of his declination or until a vacancy taken up for consideration, as per the recruitment rules that applicable, whichever is later. c)The promotion ordered in respect of officials at sls 39 and 40 are also subject to production of caste certificate. d)The promote officials have to join the new post within one month from the date of issue of the order. In case the promote officials intend to decline promotion, they should do so immediately. The officials may be reverted to the cadre of LSG before promotion to the cadre of HSG-II on regular basis if they are officiating in higher post. Charge reports may be sent to all concerned and to this office. B- Reallotment The following reallotment is ordered in the cadre of HSG-II( General Line)
Allotment/transfer is at the request of the official and hence no TA/TP. The official will be relieved only after joining of his substitute A copy of this memo is issued for information and necessary action to: 1. Postmaster General, SK Region, B’lore/NK Region, Dharwad- 580001 2. All SSPOs/SPOs in Karnataka Circle. 3. CPM Bg GPO,Bangalore 560001 4. All Circle Secretaries, Class III Unions (N.T.GANGE) Assistant Postmaster General(Staff) |

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