Postal Assistants Recruitment Examination Question Paper Part 1 – English ( Consists of 10 Questions ) 1.To arrange things in froups or in a particular order according to their type a) depoist b) sort c) derive d) detail Ans. b 2. To help somebody to do something a) assist b) assess c) accomplish d) accord Ans. a 3. Each of the metal bars that form the track that trains run on a) coach b) railing c)rail d) bogie Ans. c 4. A system in a organization in which people are organized into different levels of importance from highest to lowest a) structure b) profie c) hierarchy d) matrix Ans. c 5. A typical example of pattern of something a) paradox b) paradigm c) exception d) excerpt Ans. d 6. A lively and confident person who enjoys being with other people a) introvert b) extrovert c) geriatrician d) flatterer Ans. b 7. Letters for conveyance by post a) mail b) male c) maile d) melee Ans. a 8. A long leaf of a palm a) leaflet b) fern c) frond d) pendant Ans. c 9. To stamp a mark on an envelope to show that the cost of posting it has been paid a) post b) frank c)tax d) franc Ans. b 10.A person that money or a cheque is paid to a) payer b) paye c) remit d) payee Ans. d |
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