I wish to reproduce the comment published on sapost.blogspot by an anonymous and authenticate it by giving my name under it as a System Administrator:
"sir,first of all SAs are not selected based on any exams during recruitment, they are selected as PAs & only on their willingness most of the PAs are working as SAs. like a PA the SA dont have any monetary risk or like a spm/pm they dont have any overall responsibility & majority of the SAs dont do PA work,i have seen many of them enjoying the game of carrom orchess in recreation clubs when the PA/pm is toiling in the counter.so please stop the nonsense that all the SAs are hardworking donkeys. Actually the caption clever jackal would suit the moment.JAIHIND"
In my opinion also, no one should think that he/she is above this department. If anything the System Administrators contributing towards this department, it should be with gratitude. Asking for extra remuneration, honor, time, sympathy........ sounds like asking toooo much. In general System Administrators acting like they are more than their immediate seniors. Some Jack n Jill are selected by the administration and they are sent to SA training; and there is no passing marks etc. In such a scenario, howcome the so called SA becomes more than PA? I do agree that there are few hard working and able System Administrators working in this department, but lot of them are just a show off. At this juncture, there should be some morals and ethics for the so called System Administrators. I JUST ASK MY FRIENDS THAT STOP CRYING AND START SERVING. IF YOU DESERVE SOMETHING IT WILL COME TO YOU.

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- 7th CPC Latest News - Gazette Notification for implementation of 7th CPC
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- Chanakya's Quotes - Chanakya (Indian politician, strategist and writer,350 BC-275 BC)
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