PassBook - Printer Settings1. Press station 1 + local +station2 & ON the printer (30sec)& insert the paper.
2. it shows station1=continue,station2=skip,local=config
3. Press local, it shows Menu : config
4.. Press station1 to continue until the printer name display as OLEVETTI
5. Press station2, the display changes to IBM
6. continue press station1 button until it displays save changes to Y
7. switch off the printer and swith on
Add New PASSBOOK PRINTER(It is for COM1 / Serial Port)
Start -> Setting -> printer -> Add Priner -> next -> Local Printer -> Next -> Select COM1 - Serial port -> Manufacturer ( IBM) -> Printers ( IBM Pro Printer 1 or 2) Give Name as ( PASSBOOK PRINTER) -> Next -> Next -> Finsih*
for Vista OS : Select Gereric -> 9 Pin Compatible WidePapper
Settings:Printer and Fax (Inside the Window) Right Click in the Blank space -> Server Properties -> Tick on the Create New Form -> Form Name ( give name as "PASSBOOK" ) -> Measurement ( in Inch)
Width: 8.20
Left : 0.20
Top : 0.70
Hight : 5.80
Right: 0.00
Bottom : 0.20
SaveRight Click Installed PASSBOOK PRINTER-> Properties -> 1. Device Setting -> Select PASSBOOK and Apply
2. Device Setting -> Printing Preferences -> Advanced -> Select Paper size PASSBOOK
3. Right Click -> properties -> Ports -> COM1 -> configure port -> Flow Control -> Xon / Xoff -> Apply -> OKSet as " PASSBOOK PRINTER " as DefaultTry to Print SB Passbook Best
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