Project Arrow Group contains the following forms:
1) Request Registration Closures
2) Request Registration Transfers
3) Request Registration Other Office
4) Status updation – Closures
5) Status Updation - Xfrd In
6) Status Updation - Xfrd Out
7) Status Updation - Other Office
8) Reports
1) Request Registration Closures
Step1: Select scheme >> SB/RD/MIS/NSS/PPF/TD/SCSS
Step2: Select Type of Request >> Account Closure / Claim Sanction / Claim Closure
Step3: Type Account Number
Clicking on 'Save' Button will generate the Request id.
2) Request Registration Transfers
Step 1: Select 'Request From' >> Customer / DAK
In 'Request From' >> Customer Option
Step 2: Select scheme >> SB/RD/MIS/NSS/PPF/TD/ SCSS
Step 3: Select Type of Request >> Account Closure / Claim Sanction / Claim Closure
Step 4: Type Account Number
In 'Request From' >> DAK
Step 2: Select scheme >> SB/RD/MIS/NSS/PPF/TD/SCSS
Step 3: Select Type of Request >> Account Closure / Claim Sanction/ Claim Closure
Step 4: Type Account Number
Step 5: Type the 'AT No' and 'Date'
Clicking on 'Save' Button will generate the Request id.
3) Request Registration Other Office
Step1: Select scheme >> SB/RD/MIS/NSS/PPF/TD/ SCSS
Step2: 'Office where account Stands'
Step3: Type Account Number
Clicking on 'Save' Button will generate the Request id.
4) Status updation - Closures
Step 1: Type the 'Request id'
Details of Scheme, Type of Request, Account No, End Date & Time,
Remarks will be displayed.
Step 2: Verify the details and click on send button.
5) Status Updation - Xfrd In
Step1: Type the 'Request id'
Details of Scheme, Type of Request, Transfer Request by, Account No,
End Date & Time, will be displayed.
Step 2: Type Remarks
Step 3: Verify the details and click on the send button.
6) Status Updation - Xfrd Out
Step1: Type the 'Request id'
Details of Scheme, Type of Request, Transfer Request by,
Account No., End Date & Time, will be displayed.
Step 2: Type Remarks
Step 3: Verify the details and click on the send button.
7) Status Updation - Other Office
Step1: Type the 'Request id'
Details of Scheme, Type of Request, Office where account stands,
Account No, End Date & Time will be displayed.
Step 2: Type Remarks, RL No. and date
Step 3: Verify the details and click on the send button.
8) Reports
1. Transactions performed by a person.
2. SB branch KPIs
3. Customer Request status
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