SB ORDER NO. 18/2011
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110001, Dated: 13.09.2011
All Heads of Circles/Regions
Addl. Director General, APS, New Delhi.
Subject:- Procedure to be followed during voucher checking by SBCO staff-a clarification regarding.
Sir / Madam,
The undersigned is directed to say that procedure of checking of vouchers of deposits / new accounts opened / withdrawals /closures of accounts etc. under various schemes have been laid down in the Postal Manual of Savings Bank Control, Pairing and Internal Check Organization. The work of SBCO is to ensure that all relevant Rules / procedure and orders issued from time to time are followed by the operative staff in the post offices.
2. It has been brought to the notice of this office that some of the officials working in the SBCO are of the view that Rule and Procedures laid down in various POSB Manuals are not meant for SBCO. It is clarified that though it is duty of the operative staff in post offices to follow the laid down rules and procedures in various POSB Manuals and SB Orders issued from time to time, SBCO staff is also equally responsible to ensure that operative staff is following the rules/procedure and orders issued from time to time scrupulously and in case of any violation found during voucher checking, an objection has to be raised as per laid down procedure in the Manual of SB Control, Pairing and Internal Check Organization.
3. It is requested that necessary action may be taken immediately to circulate this clarification to the field units particularly SBCO staff.
4. This issues with the approval of DDG(FS).
Yours faithfully,
(Kawal Jit Singh)

For Further Reading,
- Instructions regarding timely issue of Charge-sheet -DOPT
- Monetary ceiling of briefcase/ladles purses for official purposes -INDIA POST
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