Government of India
Ministry of Railways
(Railway Board)
No. F(E)I/2011/AL-4/4 Ministry of Railways
(Railway Board)
PC VI No.273
RBE No.122
New Delhi, dated 12.09.2011
RBE No.122
New Delhi, dated 12.09.2011
The General Managers,
All Indian Railways etc.
(As per Standard Mailing List)
Sub: Grant of Sunderban Allowance to Railway employees working in West Bengal. Ref: Board’s letter No.F(E)96/AL-4/11 dated 24-8-2001.
Sanction of the President is hereby conveyed for the continued grant of Sunderban Allowance at the existing rates (based on the notional pay in pre-revised scales) to the Railway employees posted in the Sunderban areas of West Bengal for a further period from 01.01.2003 to 31.08.2008 and at the revised rates (indicated in the Table below) from 01.09.2008 onwards and upto the period for which the Government of West Bengal continues to pay this allowance to its employees, subject to the fulfillment of the existing terms and conditions in this regard.
Existing Rates (in Rupees) | Revised Rates (in Rupees) | ||
Pay Range (1) | Rate w.e.f. 01.08.1997 (In Rupees) (2) | Pay in the Pay Band (3) | Rate w.e.f.01 .09.2008 (4) |
Below 3000 | 30 | Below 5600 | 60 |
3000 - 4499 | 60 | 5600-8400 | 120 |
4500-5999 | 90 | 8401-11200 | 180 |
6000-9000 | 120 | 11201-16800 | 240 |
2. In case of those employees who have opted to retain the pre revised scale of pay after the Sixth Pay Commission, their entitlement to the Sunderban Allowance would be determined with reference to pre-revised pay range indicated in column (1) of the table above and the rate prescribed in Column (2) will apply from 1.1.2003 to 31.8.2008 and that in column (4) of the table will apply w.e.f.1.9.2008.
3. Hindi version is enclosed.
4. Please acknowledge receipt.
(Sonali Chaturvedi)
Deputy Director Finance (Estt.)
Railway Board
Source: AIRF (Sonali Chaturvedi)
Deputy Director Finance (Estt.)
Railway Board

For Further Reading,
- Surrender of general pool residential accommodation.Holiday Home
- Instructions regarding timely issue of Charge-sheet -DOPT
- Monetary ceiling of briefcase/ladles purses for official purposes -INDIA POST
- Haryana govt revises pension
- 7th CPC Latest News - Gazette Notification for implementation of 7th CPC
- 90 days paid leave for central government employees who are victims of sexual harassment
- Govt’s new sexual harassment guidelines: ‘Can transfer accused, give paid leave to complainant’
- Sexual Harassment - Steps for conducting inquiry
- Grant of increment
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