Receiving Problem – eMOs not Received
First use the request resend option in divisional administrator web login . If the eMOs are still not received, please forward the log and error log folders & RXD folder for analysis to CEPT, Mysore.
eMOs not Transmitted and
Zip File pending outside TXD1 folder or
eMOs not available for tracking
Please check whether your office is available in the Registered Offices list of not. If not available then please do web registration and client registration.
If available then please forward the following items to CEPT, Mysore.
1. Latest Backup of eMO database.
2. Latest Copy of TXD, LOG and ERROR LOG folders from eMO client folder.
3. List of PNR numbers which were not transmitted.
eMOs Transmitted but not available for tracking
Check whether your office is available in the Registered Offices list of not. If not available then please do web registration and client registration. Registration Procedure
1. Do the web registration using Hardward change (if possible) not possible ok get the correct userid and password.
2. Run the emoResetRegistration exl file in emoclinet machine using script tool (it will reset the existing client registration).
3. Try to register the emoclient using the user id and password.
4. Ensure that the security certificate is registered already.
If the above information where carried on properly the office will be registered. If it is registered it should appear in the emo website in registered offices list
Then wait for a day. Still the emos are not available for tracking
please forward the following items to CEPT, Mysore.,
1. Backup of eMO database.
2. Copy of TXD, LOG and ERROR LOG folders from eMO client folder.
3. List of PNR numbers which were not transmitted.
eMO is not available for reprinting
Please check whether the pincode is available by searching in Tools-> eMOoffices. If not available run eMOOffices and eMOPincodes scripts available in with latest release.
Office Pincode is not available
Run eMOOffices and eMOPincodes scripts available in latest release.
eMO redirected but not showing in tracking as redirected
If you are unable to redirect the eMO then please send the eMO database backup and TXD folder to CEPT intimating PNR details.
Paid data not updated in Central Server
Use the disaster recovery option available in new version (Latest version) to update paid information.
While running eMO Communication error is coming “Application failed to initialize properly”
The .net framework might have been corrupted. Uninstall and reinstall .net framework.
Error while printing eMO – Booking eMO is not available
Click on MO Details button in Tools ->Printing of eMOs and select the PNR Number to be printed
Error in Communication Server encountered an internal error. To get more info turn on customErrors in the server's config file."
This error is due to installation of old eMO client(6.5). Reinstall eMO client using the latest version.
When submit account is tried to perform at node, there appears an error--- " Run Time error 2147217900(80040e14) Microsoft odbc sql server driver(sql server) could not find stored procedure. Na_get_emo_emo_smsfee" then on click, another screen appears with run time error 440 -- automation error.
You are using beta version of Meghdoot 6.5. Uninstall the application and install from latest version.
CRC Mismatch error in error log file or Unzipping error/ wrong local header signature / So many files are pending outside the RXD1 folder
Please try the following
1. Stop the emo client application if running.
2. Open the RXD folder in eMO client installation path.
3. Select details option in View menu on the top of explorer. (View->details). All files will be shown with file type and date modified.
4. Sort the files by modified date (Click on date modified column once or twice).
5. Select and cut the oldest zip file (single file) and copy into to separate folder on desktop. (This file might be corrupted).
6. Start the eMO client application.
7. Check the eMO after 10-15 minutes.
Still problem is not solved
Send the RXD folder to CEPT.
eMO not transmitted from Central Server
The eMOs will be transmitted only if the destination office calls the central server. Ask the destination office to call the central server. In case of any communication problems at their end they can contact CEPT Mysore.
eMO office name is not available in the List of eMO Registered Offices.
Your office might have been deactivated. Please do web registration and client registration to activate the same.
eMOs are Received but booked eMOs are not transmitted and the office name is not in registered offices list
If an office is deactivated, during the deactivated period the office will receive eMOs but the eMOs booked at the office will not be updated at the central server. Please do web registration and client registration of the office. Details refer point number 3
The directory or files could not be created... error in error log file. / So many files are pending outside the RXD1 folder
The error may be due to lack of space in the installation drive.
Please do the following
1. Remove the unwanted files from the drive where emoclient is installed.
2. Move the old files inside RXD1 (which are older than two months) to some safe location to other drive or DVD.
Then start the emoclient communication it should solve your issues.
Administrator Password Lost
Forward a backup of the eMO database and a formal request (by FAX) in this regard to the Director CEPT Mysore from your Divisional Superintendent.
Booking option not enable in Point of Sale
Check whether the office PIN code configured in the environment option of Supervisor in POS is the same as that configured in the eMO package.
Not available for redirection after printing
Please check whether redirection is to the same office or to the Sub Office. If it is to the same office you can redirect through Postman module. If the eMO is for the SO then please check whether the Pincode is available in the eMO database. If the Pincode is not available, Run eMOOffices and eMOPincodes scripts available in latest version.
Printed but still showing in eMOs not received / not printed
If the eMOs are relating to HO, once returns are taken and submit accounts is done in Postman Module then MIS will be updated..
If the eMOs are relating to Sub Office, once u give paid data entry, the MIS will be updated.
Account not tallied with Pincode
eMO is almost paid and entry is paid in eMO package and amount is also tallied with Sub Account but in eMO Supervisor log in it is not being verified and also amount in Sub Account
As the messages says " account not tallied for pin code: ......" , it means that account is not tallied with subaccount figures. Please check the total amount and paid date, SO account date and HO account dates both in subaccount and eMO application. Also ensure that all the payment offices are mapped correctly with subaccount so codes.
Everything is fine still problem is there. Then try using disaster recovery.
amount column in eMO package is not being shown and message comes like this " account not tallied for pin code: ......"
In disaster recovery data emos are not shown
Please forward the items to CEPT, Mysore.,
1. Backup of eMO database.
2. Copy of TXD, LOG and ERROR LOG folders from eMO client folder.
3. List of PNR numbers which were not updated.
Backup of eMO database not available
System Administrators are required to keep latest backup of all databases and mdb files. In the case of eMO you have to keep copies of RXD and TXD folders also. If you are not following the procedure CEPT will not be in a position to give you a solution.
eMO booked with wrong Payee Pincode / Remitter pincode
For held up eMOs option has been provided under Divisional Administrator login under Tools-> Change Payee Pincode.
In case of wrong remitter PIN code it can be corrected only by the Divisional Administrator of the booking office.
Unexpected EOF or Wrong Local Header Signature... in Error log folder
please do the following carefully.
1. stop the emo client application if running.
2. Open the data folder which is inside RXD folder in eMO client installation path.
3. Copy the file name alone without extension with file type as qsq_tmp .
4. Then search inside data folder with the file name what you have copied with qsq_tmp
5. You will get two files with same name (one with .qsq and another with qsq_tmp). Move the both outside the data folder
to seperate folder on desktop.( this file might be corrupted).
6. start the eMO client application.
7. Check the eMO after 10-15 minutes.
8. If any emos are shown as not received in emo website opt for request resending .
Still problem is not solved.
Send the RXD folder for analysis to CEPT.
eMO client error
CLR error 80004005. The program will now terminate.
Either the eMO installation may be corrupted or .net framework corrupted. Pl reinstall.
Could not resolve Host error
Do the following steps to rectify this problem
1. Go to the folder C:\windows\System32\drivers\etc ( if you have installed windows on D partition then the path will be like D:\windows\System32\drivers\etc)
2. Open the file “Hosts” file using notepad
3. There will be an entry like the following inside the hosts file localhost
Delete the existing entry which is referred below if it is available (if not available do not worry) emomsg.ptcmysore.gov.in
Add one more entry like the following below. emomsg.ptcmysore.gov.in
Wrong Paid Data Entry
The paid information once fed can't be modified at the central server. If the eMO is actually not paid, suitable alternate arrangement may be made for payment after taking necessary precautions against double payment.
In eMO configuration unhandled exception - access to the path is denied is coming.
The error is due to sqlconfig.xml file corruption. Or eMO installation may be corrupted.
Please reinstall the application.
error in log file
eMOCommunication-transmitFile.No connectivity :The underlying connection was closed: A connection that was expected to be kept alive was closed by the server.
Please check the following points.
1. Check whether the machine is virus infected. Scan it with an updated anti-virus package.
2. open eMOCommunication.exe.config file in eMO communication folder (C:\Program Files\eMOClient) if the eMO client is installed in C drive. Check whether the fourth line is "
3. Open Config.xml in eMO communication foldeer (C:\Program Files\eMOClient) if the eMO client is installed in C drive.Check whether the Thrird line is "
4. Check the internet connectivity.
Unable to upload data error in Log file
This problem is due to connectivity with your sql server.
Please check whether sql server connectivity is there with the client machine, if not solved,please give IP address of the sql server in config.xml instead of sql server name .
Time Out error while running eMO communication
This problem is due to connectivity with your sql server.
Please check whether sql server connectivity is there with the client machine, if not solved, please give IP address of the sql server in config.xml instead of sql server name .
Time and Vista Problem
Select Regional and language options in control Panel. Select "English(United States)" ->Click on Apply -> Click on "Customize" button -> In the Customize Regional Options and select the correct date and time format.
In Windows Vista machine select the Compatibility mode of the exe as WindowsXP. (Right Click on the exe, Select properties, Check on the "Run this programme in Compatibility mode for " and Select Windows X. Click on Apply.
Network Error – Unable to find enabled Network Card
Please check the local network connectivity .Ensure that your network card is enabled and you could ping with other
machines in the network from the eMO client machine.
Resending of eMOs to HO in case of disabling of eMO
If the eMO is to be resent to the HO, please use Change eMO (Transfer of eMOs) option in Divisional admin login. The eMOs which were transmitted to the disabled office will be again transmitted to the HO. Please take necessary precautions to avoid double payment when the SO is enabled subsequently.
Error in error log file “Reset Transmission Counter File”
Send latest emo database backup to CEPT Mysore
Error in Configuration file ... Root Element is missing
Please reinstall the eMO client after taking backup of RXD and TXD folders.
Redirection problem-
Error in converting varchar to Unique identifier…
Please ensure that database is upgraded properly and latest version of eMO application is installed in all the eMO machines. Still if problem persist then send eMO database backup.
eMO Configuration – error
Connection could not be established. Please retry.
This is only database connection problem. eMO application machine is not connecting to eMO database server. Please ensure sql server allows remote connections. Set the firewall off and open all ports.
This error will come in the following circumstances
1. eMOs are invoiced to postman and returns not taken.
2. Non printed eMOs
For such redirection you will have to use missent redirection. Please ascertain these two things.
“Not to be Paid” clarification
EMO not to be paid will make the eMO not for payment only in client system. If the eMO is shown as not paid in MIS and it is already paid use disaster recovery module for paid data updation.
It should be used for emos which are already paid but received again due to database crash and subsequent request resending.
It should not be used otherwise
Unhandled exception has occurred in a component in your application. If you click on continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue.
Access to the path ‘c:\program files\emo\emo \sqlconfig.xml’ is denied.
The error is due to permission problem. Please run as administrator.
Paid data not updated after using disaster recovery option, getting message ‘Account not Tallied’
In cases where message ‘Account not tallied ‘ is got for a particular PNR number, efforts should be made tallying with Cash Book and Sub Accounts. If it is not possible, the supervisor can give reason for non tallying in the remarks column. Thereafter the paid data will be updated.
If subaccount database is not available you can ignore the error account will be tallied only with treasury.
Bulk payee eMOs cannot be redirected. It can only returned to sender automatically if refused by bulk payee.
Please run emooffices exl from latest Version.
Eurogiro Country issues
First you should upgrade to Megh 6.6 service packs (latest) if you have not upgraded earlier in month of April 2010.
Then you have to run the emo.exl file available in country problem folder available in this link ftp://ftp.ptcinfo.org/Meghdootv6.6/Utilities/PointOfSale/eurogiroCountryProblem/
Once that is executed successfully, you have to copy the message files from ftp link given above (newmessages.zip after unzipping) into data folder available inside RXD folder of the emoclient.
If you have not changed emoclient exe before in April 2010 please change that exe to latest.
Then run the emoclient it will update. Please check this step and try.
MIS figure does not tally /appear
Check whether your office appears in registered list. If not please register. Registered but figure not tallied.
Please forward the following items to CEPT, Mysore.
1. Latest Backup of eMO database.
2. Latest Copy of TXD, LOG and ERROR LOG folders from eMO client folder.
Pincode changes/ upgradation of offices /downgradation
Please send a fax to CEPT through your divisional head with correct status of the office and the pincode to avoid eMo not transmitted problems later.
Problem in broadband / internet issues.
Disable the office immediately and issue request resending of emos in divisional admin login and wait for a day. The emos are supposed to be transmitted to HO / Account office. Still not received send a mail to CEPT with the office details and emo particulars.
In the case of HO no other option is there so the office should be enabled at the earliest after setting right the issue.
Request resending
It is available in divisional admin login of emo web page. It is
used for eMos not received / not printed only
Disaster Request for data
It is available in Supervisor login of emo software. It should be used when eMOs are paid actually but shown as not paid in emo web page.
Disaster Redirection problem
This option should be used when eMos are received, printed and invoiced to postman. Then database crashed. The postman brings the emo returns with remarks redirection. In such cases only this option works.
Regular redirection should be done through redirection / Remarks entry option in Postman /eMO software
Disaster Paid entry done but not updated in web page as paid.
Check the following-
whether paid entry is done properly and it is authorised
If those things are done still not updated please send
1. Latest Backup of eMO database.
2. Latest Copy of TXD, LOG and ERROR LOG folders from eMO client folder.
Emos not received/ not printed/ not paid updation in central server
Please forward the log and error log folders & TXD folder for analysis to CEPT, Mysore.
Source: PTC Mysore
For Further Reading,
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