INDIAN NATIONAL DEFENCE wORKERS' FEDERATION BHARTIYA PRATIRAKSHA MAZDOOR SANGH (RECOGNIZED FEDERATIONS OF DEFENCE CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES) Ref. No.: 03/AIDEF/INDWF/BPMS/20 Date:18.05.2020 To,The Secretary (DP) Department of Defence Production South Block, New Dellhi - 110 001. SUBJECT::PROTEST AGAINST THE ARBITRARY DECISION TAKEN BY THE GOVERNMENT FOR CONVERTING THE 219 YEARS OLD STATE OWNED INDIAN ORDNANCE FACTORIES INTO A CORPORATION AND LISTING IN THE SHARE MARKET- REPRESENTATION TO BE SUBMITED BY 82 THOUSAND EMPLOYEES. REFERENCE:: LETTER ADDRESSED TO THE DEFENCE MINISTER NO.02/AIDEF/INDWF/BPMS/ 20, DATED 17/05/2020 Sir, Vide letter referred above, have mailed our protest against the arbitrary, illegal and unjustified decision taken by the Government to converting the 219 years old State owned Indian Ordnance Factories into a Corporation and listing in the Share Market._We have informed the Honourable RM that in case the Government do not put on hold the decision and give opportunity to the Federations to place our views against Corporatization, then the 82,000 employees of Ordnance Factories will go for an Indefinite Strike inspite of theCOVID 19 pandemic and lock down.As a part of our Trade Union action it has been decided that all the 82,000 employees of Ordnance Employees will forward their protest against Corporatization to the Honorable Prime Minister and the Honorable Defence Minister. This is for your kind information please. Thanking you, Yours Sincerely, (C. SRIKUMAR) GENERAL SECRETARY AIDEF 09444080885 (R. SRINIVASAN) GENERAL SECRETARY INDWF 09444125799 (MUKESH SINGH) GENERAL SECRETARY BPMS 09335621629 Source:AIDEF CIRCULAR | |

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