Friday, June 19, 2015

China Makes Major Moves To Ban Islam

China Makes Major Moves To Ban Islam

Maybe one day, the West will realize that freedom can’t exist for those who want to take your freedom.
Steven Crowder

Apparently, China realizes what the West doesn’t – bet you never thought you’d read that here – namely, that Islam is very dangerous. It’s kind of ironic that the oppressive nation sees what free nations don’t: Islam will turn nasty. It always does. Everywhere the religion/political ideology has been given an inch, they’ve taken a mile. Like a rabid dog, once it gets strong enough, it will bite us.

So what is China doing? It’s declaring an all-out war to make sure Islam doesn’t take over and never gains the strength to attack them. So let me simplify it:

– Female head-coverings are banned. Period. 

– Men are discouraged from growing long beards (often poorly grown ones, might I add).

– Even Islamic restaurants are forced to sell cigarettes and drinks. And …

– They must display them prominently. Any business owner who does not follow this order…will lose their business. Gone.

They’re not tolerating Islam at all. That simple. China sees what’s happening to the West. It sees what happened in France, throughout the European world, in Boston, and even in Texas. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg! They see it, and they’ve decided to stop any kind of political Islamic plague before it grows out of control.

In other words: China learns. Unlike our inept government, it realizes, ‘Hey, Islam wants destroy us.’ It realizes that Islam is political in nature, not just religious. Don’t get me wrong: communism is terrible, but it’s also what absolves China from the shackling burdens of political correctness. They’d rather survive than be politically correct.

Ah well. Maybe one day, the West will realize that freedom can’t exist for those who want to take your freedom. I mean, that’d kinda be like telling your murderer it’s his right to murder you. Wait… what?

The views expressed in this opinion article are solely those of their author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by

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