Recruitment to the four posts of junior Hindi Translator on ad-hoc basis against short term vacancy in the Department of Personnel & Training - Dopt orders
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pension
Department of Personnel & Training
North Block, New Delhi
Dated : 20th March 2013 / 22 MAR 2013
Subject : Recruitment to the four posts of junior Hindi Translator on ad-hoc basis against short
term vacancy in the Department of Personnel & Training -
The undersigned is directed to say that four pasts of junior Hindi Translator in the pay structure of PB-2(Rs.9300-34800/-) and Grade Pay of Rs.4200/- are required to be filled up on ad-hoc basis in the Department of Personnel and Training from amongst CSSS/CSCS staff of Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions till such time the regular candidates to be nominated by the Department of Official Language become available. The eligibility conditions and experience required for the post are mentioned in Annexure-I. Pay of the selected person will be regulated in accordance with the Ministry of Finance (Department uof Expenditure)’s Orders in force from time to time.
2. Selected persons shall be appointed purely on ad-hoc basis and they shall have no claim/ right for their absorption to ie post of Junior Hindi Translator in the Central Secretariat official Language Service (Group ‘B’). Officers who volunteer for the posts will not be allowed to withdraw their name later on. Applications which are not accompanied by the Bio Data in the prescribed form at Annexure-II will not be considered. If felt necessary, a proficiency test may be conducted for assessing suitability of applicants for appointment to the posts of Junior Hindi Translator.
3. All Sections/Divisions under Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions are, therefore, requested to circulate the post amongst their staff and applications of those Officials who are eligible and who can be spared immediately may be forwarded along with their upto date CR Dossier and Vigilance clearance to this Ministry within 15 days of issue of this circular. The applications received without CR Dossier or after due date or without the countersign nature of the Controlling Officer of the Candidate (i.e. without verifying the particular of the candidates mentioned in the application form), will not be considered.
(Priya Mahadevan)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
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