KVS Orders 2013 : Government employees take treatment from any hospital recognized by the State Government / CGHS / CS(MA) Rules
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
18, Institutional Area, Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg, New Delhi-16.
Dated 03.04.2013
The Deputy Commissioner
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
All Regional Offices.
Subject : Govt. employees and the members of their family take treatment from any hospital recognized by the State Government / CGHS / CS (MA) Rules - regarding.
I am to refer to the subject cited above and to state that references have been received by this office as to whether Govt./KVS employees covered under CS(MA)Rules can avail treatment from Hospitals recognized under CGHS Scheme. In this connection, it is informed that the orders issued by the Govt. of India Ministry of Health and family welfare vide OM No. S.14025/7/2000-MS, dt 28th March, 2000 and No.S.14021/06/2005-MS dt. 4th January, 2007 were already circulated to all the Units of the Sangathan for reference and further action vide KVS letter No.161-3/99-2000/KVS/Budget dt.26.7.2000 and Letter No.125-21/2006-07/KVS (Budget) dt. 22.5.2007 (copy enclosed). However the said orders are once again circulated to all the Units of the Sangathan for reference and further action.
Yours faithfully,
Asstt. Commissioner (Fin.)
Source: www.kvsangathan.nic.in
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- 90 days paid leave for central government employees who are victims of sexual harassment
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- KVS Orders 2013 : Government employees take treatment from any hospital recognized by the State Government / CGHS / CS(MA) Rules
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