Launching of Web Based software solution for Cadre Management of CSS - Requests for cadre clearance and filing of Immovable Property details
No. 21/11/2010-CS.I (U)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pension
Department of Personnel & Training
2nd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi
Dated : 25th March 2013
Subject: Launching of Web Based software solution for Cadre Management of CSS - Requests for cadre clearance and filing of Immovable Property details reg.
As Ministries/ Departments are aware that the Web Based Cadre Management system for CSS is currently hosted at
2. Verification of data Nodal officers for the Web Based Cadre Management are once again requested to verify the data in respect of all CSS Officers posted in the Ministries/ Departments concerned to ensure that complete data in respect of each and every CSS officer is available in the system. Nodal officers who have not yet obtained user id and password are again advised to furnish their details at email id: so that these could be emailed to them. Individual CSS Officers are also advised to verify their data by logging in to the system with the user id which is a combination of eight digit date of birth followed by first four letters of their name i.e.: ddmmyyyyabcd. The common password is apple 123. As complete data particularly promotion and experience details are necessary to effectively use the system for cadre management activities, active cooperation of all CSS officers is requested.
3. Cadre clearance for deputation Ministries / Departments are again requested to forward applications for cadre clearance for deputation through the web based cadre management system also.
4. Voluntary Retirement Application seeking voluntary retirement should also be filed through the system. A print out of the copy of the application is required to be taken, duly signed and submitted to the nodal officer for processing. The nodal officer will forward the application online to this Department for further processing in respect of US and above level officers.
5. Immovable Property Return All CSS Officers are also requested to file their immovable property return through the web based system also, in addition to the conventional method of filing of paper returns.
6. APAR monitoring As reporting of APARS will be monitored through the web based cadre management system nodal officers concerned are once again requested to feed necessary details in the system prior to issue of forms to the individual employees for 2012-13 and also regularly update the progress in the system for effective monitoring of completion of APAR.
7. Ministries / Departments are requested to bring this circular to the notice of all CSS Officers.
Under Secretary to the Government of India
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For Further Reading,
- Sexual Harassment - Steps for conducting inquiry
- Grant of increment
- Instructions regarding timely issue of Charge-sheet -DOPT
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- Eligibility of Home Town Concession- Frequently Asked Questions-DOPT
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- Monetary ceiling of briefcase/ladles purses for official purposes -INDIA POST
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