Policy on fixing an upper limit of the number of years for which officers can work in the personal staff of the Union Minister in their entire careers
Most Immediate
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
(Office of the Establishment Officer)
New Delhi, dated 02.04.2013.
Subject: Policy on fixing an upper limit of the number of years for which officers can work in the personal staff of the Union Minister in their entire careers.
The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet (ACC) had laid down a policy -wherein a ceiling of 10 years in the entire career and a sub-limit of 05 years as PS/OSD within the ceiling of 10 years had been fixed beyond which no person was to be permitted to be appointed in the personal staff of Ministers. This was conveyed in DoP&T’s OM No.31/65/2009-EO(MM-I) dated 04.03.2010 and OM No.31/11/2010-EO(MM-I) dated 13.05.2010. This was reiterated vide Cabinet Secretary’s D.O. No.2/3/2010-EO(MM-I) dated 19.1 1.2012.
2. In this regard, the Appointments Committee of the Cabinet has decided that till the completion of the next General Elections, these instructions may not be made applicable in respect of officers who are at present serving in any capacity in the personal staff of Ministers and are proposed to be retained beyond-the laid down tenure limit.
(Dr.Amarpreet Duggal)
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India
Source: www.persmin.nic.in
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