Distribution of work among various non—teaching posts Kendriya Vidyalayas - regarding.
Date : 15.01.2013
F.11029-21/2012-KVSHQ (Admn.-I)
The Deputy Commissioner
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
All Regional Offices
SUB: Distribution of work among various non—teaching posts Kendriya Vidyalayas - regarding.
In pursuance of the decision taken in the JCM meeting held on 25.07.2012 a committee was constituted for the purpose of study of the work distribution among various non-teaching posts in Kendriya Vidyalayas. Accordingly based on the recommendations of the committee the competent authority, KVS has decided to distribute the work among various non-teaching posts such as Section Officer / Assistant / UDC / LDC / Sub-staff with immediate effect. The post-wise details are given in Annexure-I.
You are, therefore, requested to distribute the same among all Kendriya Vidyalayas put under your administrative jurisdiction for implementation.
This issues with the approval of the Commissioner, KVS.
Yours faithfully,
(Dr. E. Prabhakar)
Joint Commissioner (Pers.)
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
(Admn-I Section)
Distribution of work among various non-teaching posts in Kendriya Vidyalayas.
1. Section Officer
I) To supervise all office work.
ii) To report APAR of the Sub-staff / LDC / UDC
iii) To assist the Principal in discharging of his duties efficiently.
2. Assistant
I. To maintain service book and personal file of the staff.
II. To scrutinize the TA / DA, LTC, Medical bills as per norms.
III. To scrutinize the Pay bill & Arrear bill as per norms.
IV. To scrutinize the Establishment bills as per norms.
V. To scrutinize the RTE claim bills as per norms.
VI. To scrutinize the Income tax calculation of Staff and ensure correct TDS.
VII. To Draft the letters for Vidyalaya correspondence to KVS/CBSE/NCERT etc.
VIII. To assist in smooth conduct of audit (internal/AG audit) files and replies thereof.
IX. To monitor the file of correspondence for welfare of the staff i.e. Sr.Scale/Selection scale / In-Service Course disciplinary case/Court case etc.
X. To monitor the purchase process as per requirement by issuing the tenders & taking approval of Chairman VMC on Comparative statement.
XI. To keep record of minutes of VMC/VEC meeting & to assess the Principal in arranging VMC meeting as per KVS norms.
XIITo process the cases for condemnation.
XIII. To dispose of RTI applications.
XIV. To extend guidance to the UDC/LDC in discharging their work.
XV. Preparation of pension papers to liaise with local authority/electricity authority/water authority/fire department etc.
XVI. Any other work assigned by Principal from time to time.
3. UDC
I. To prepare and uploading of monthly pay bill.
II. To prepare arrear bills of staff.
III. To keep record of saving of staff u/s 80 & calculate Income Tax of staff on salary and ensure TDS.
IV. To maintain cash book of VVN & school fund.
V. To maintain Ledger of School fund A/C
VI. To maintain Ledger of VVN Account and keep watch on financial ceiling.
VII. To prepare Annual account of VVN account & School fund A/c as per norms.
VIII. To prepare Budget of school fund account & VVN account as per norms
IX. To prepare monthly and quarterly statement of VVN account & School fund.
X. To maintain petty cash book.
Xl. To maintain record of fees collection and its summary through DCR, CS ll & CS 54.
XII. To maintain Assets registers/maintenance of Staff quarters.
XIII. To calculate & deduction of TDS form suppliers and file Income Tax return of Staff & dealers.
XIV. To check the work done by LDC/ Sub-Staff.
XV. To extend guidance to LDC relating to work allotted to LDC, if there is no Assistant in the Vidyalaya.
XVI. Any other work assigned by Principal from time to time.
4. LDC
I. To maintain stock register of office contingency VVN & details of various stocks & their annual verification etc.
II. To prepare monthly schedule and Broad sheet GPF/CPF/CPS/HBA etc.
III. To prepare comparative statement after obtaining rates
IV. To prepare monthly report of enrolment and vacancy position etc.
V. To prepare T. C. & keep record and uploading of T.C. on website.
VI. To maintain scholar register/admission forms.
VII. To maintain casual leave register/diary dispatch register and postal expense register.
VIII. To maintain current staff attendance register & keep old register.
IX. To type all the letters of correspondence in English or Hindi.
X. To issue character certificate/NOC etc. to students & correspondence with KVS/CBSE/NCERT for welfare of the students.
Xl. To maintain allotment of staff quarter/hostel flies.
XII. To keep all record in store systematically.
XIII. To keep record of all fee collection receipt for audit purpose.
XIV. Preparation of Railway concession forms.
XV. Work related to financial assistants to students.
XVI. Checking up of E-mail for submission to Principal.
XVII. Any other work assigned by Principal/Assistant from time to time.
I. Maintenance and upkeep of Principal office/office and other department(other than class rooms).
II. To attend the call-bell of the Principal/office.
III. To ring the bell of the Vidyalaya at the prescribed times.
IV. To circulate the orders/letters amongst the staff.
V. To attend to telephone callsl operating of fax machine & franking machine & Xerox machine & to handle fire fighting equipments.VI. To assist in maintaining file/records/retrieval documents pertaining to
TA/LTC/ Medical/Leave application monthly return forms/Pay bill etc.
VII. To handle bank operations i. e. deposit/withdrawal of cash from bank.
VIII. To assist in local purchase
IX. To operate water punp/use of electrical equipment/water cooler etc.
X. To assist in maintaining Diary/dispatch of letter
XI. To attend post office work
XII. To check all light point in class rooms to be Off and Water tapes off in toilet and drinking point after school hours.
XIII. To maintain mobile no. and local address of the staff members.
XIV. Any other work assigned by Principal / SO / Assistant / UDC / LDC from time to time.
Note : Where there is the post of Section Officer, the work allotted to Assistant will be looked after by the Section Officer/UDC by distributing the work by Head of office in addition to their own duties as described against the post of Section Officer and UDC.
2. Where there is no post of Section Officer or Assistant the work allotted to Assistant will be looked after by the UDC/LDC in addition to their own duteis as described against the post of UDC and LDC.
3. The distribution of work among the non-teaching staff is just to facilitate administrative convenience and may be redistributed by the Principal of the Vidyalaya concerned based on the ground realities.
Source: www.kvsangathan.nic.in
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For Further Reading,
- Implementation of Common Biometric Attendance System in KVS
- Teaching of Sanskrit in Kendriya Vidyalaya in Classes XI and XII
- KVS Latest News -Admission under special dispensation of MP quota
- KVS Orders 2013 : Government employees take treatment from any hospital recognized by the State Government / CGHS / CS(MA) Rules
- Enhancement of Fees for Kendriya Vidyalayas
- Haryana govt revises pension
- 7th CPC Latest News - Gazette Notification for implementation of 7th CPC
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- Govt’s new sexual harassment guidelines: ‘Can transfer accused, give paid leave to complainant’
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