Information Bureau
Government of India Ministry of Labour & Employment
17:24 IST
Status of Employment
estimates of employment and unemployment are obtained through quinquennial labour force
surveys conducted by National Sample Survey Office. Last such
survey was conducted during 2009-10. As per the three most recent quinquennial labour force
surveys on employment and unemployment, estimated employment in the country on
usual status basis was 397.0 million in 1999-2000, 459.10 million in 2004-05
and 465.48 million in 2009-10.
Annual Employment and Unemployment Survey (2011-12) has been
conducted by Labour Bureau, Ministry of Labour and
Employment, Government of India. The Report of this Survey was
released on 19th July 2012.
details and outcome of the results of the survey are annexed.
per the results of the Survey, estimated unemployment rate among the illiterate
persons aged 15 years and above based on Usual Principal Status was 1.2 per
cent as compared to 9.4 per cent among the graduates during
have taken several steps to reduce unemployment in the country. The
focus is on creation of productive employment at a faster pace in order to
raise incomes of masses to bring about a general improvement in their living
conditions. The job opportunities are created on account of growth in Gross
Domestic Product (GDP), investment in infrastructure development, growth in
exports etc. Government of India has also been implementing various
employment generation programmes, such as, SwaranaJayantiShahariRozgarYojana (SJSRY);
Prime Minister's Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP); National
Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) and Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment
Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) besides entrepreneurial developmentprogrammes run
by the Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises.
Minister of State for Labour & Employment Shri K. Suresh
gave this information in reply to a written question in
the Rajya Sabha today .
Statement showing details and outcome of the Second
Annual Employment and Unemployment Survey, 2011-12.
Ø During
the survey data has been collected from a sample of 1,28,298 households,
out of which 81,430 households are in the rural sector and the remaining 46,868
households in the urban sector.
Fixed reference period of Agriculture Year 2010-11 i.e. July, 2010 to June 2011
is used to derive the estimates based on usual status approach.
Ø The labour force
estimates are derived for the persons of age 15 years and above & the
estimates on usual principal status are given below:
· The Labour Force
Participation Rate (LFPR) is estimated to be 52.9 per cent at All India level.
· In
the rural sector, the LFPR is estimated to be 54.8 per cent as compared to 47.2
per cent in the urban sector.
· Female
LFPR is significantly lower as compared to male LFPR. At all India
level, female LFPR is estimated to be 25.4 per cent as compared to 77.4 per
cent in male category.
· At
All India level, the Worker Population Ratio (WPR) is estimated to be 50.8 per
cent. In rural areas, the WPR is estimated to be 52.9 per cent as
compared to 44.9 in the urban areas.
· The
female WPR is estimated to be 23.6 per cent at All India level as compared to
the male WPR of 75.1 per cent.
· The
unemployment rate is estimated to be 3.8 per cent at All India level.
· In
rural areas, unemployment rate is 3.4 per cent whereas in urban areas, the same
is 5.0 per cent.
· Despite
relatively low LFPR, the unemployment rate is significantly higher among
females as compared to males. At all India level, the female
unemployment rate is estimated to be 6.9 per cent whereas for males, the
unemployment rate is 2.9 per cent.
· The
female unemployment rate is estimated to be 12.5 per cent in urban areas and
5.6 percent in rural areas at All India level. Similar rates of
unemployment for males work out to be 3.4 per cent in urban areas and 2.7 per
cent in rural areas.
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