No words can express my FEELINGS…. That how much I MISS U everyday…. Day by day the loneliness grows…. How I MISS U…..nobody knows…. No one knows my SORROW… No one sees me WEEP… Bcz every day, I’ve to pretend I’ve to a fake smile… I’ve to a fake laugh… I’ve to pretend everything is OKAY…..when ITS NOT….. U told me,that U loved me…. So why did u LEFT ME….. I told u, I’ll never Leave U… I kept my promise, but u didn’t… Every day, I sit and wonder Why I MISS U…why I LOVE U… But I found no reason, the LOVE I’VE FOR U…. Now I just can’t keep quite anymore…. So I’ll tell U everything, that “THERE IS A PLACE IN MY HEART…. THAT NO ONE ELSE CAN FILL… I NEED U…I MISS U SO MUCH….. I LOVE U WITH ALL MY HEART AND SOUL…. AND I ALWAYS WILL….” Share and Care |

For Further Reading,
- How to say “I Love You” in different languages??? a List with more than 125 Languages!
- Heart Touching Love Pics ♥♥♥
- MOst BEutiful LOve WAllpapers
- 51 Most Beautiful Free Wallpapers for Valentines Day
- Genelia - Most Beautiful Wallpapers
- China bans Ramadan fasting in Muslim province
- I am Me. In all the world, there is no one else exactly like me....
- Personality Development - 5 life lessons I learned from Kung Fu Panda 2, watch the movie trailor too
- How to quit Smoking? And why?
- 51 Best Ganesha Wallpapers - Series 6
- 51 Best Ganesha Wallpapers - Series 5
- 51 Best Ganesha Wallpapers - Series 4
- 90 days paid leave for central government employees who are victims of sexual harassment
- For those who love their daughter - Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana
- Women in Government Service - Recommendations of Department Related Parliamentary Standing Committee
- Cash Assistance to Pregnant and Lactating Women
- BSNL Orders on CCL : Grant of Child Care Leave to women employees of BSNL
- Chanakya's Quotes - Chanakya (Indian politician, strategist and writer,350 BC-275 BC)
- NOT to do anything without proper sanctions: Whatever may be the urgency or importance of the job
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