Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers Karnataka State
The overall the strike position is very good in Karnataka State, the employees have participated in 12.12.12 strike in large numbers, in all districts of Karnataka State the participation is very good. mass rallys were conducted in many districts such as Gulburga, Mysore, Hubli, Bijapur, Mangalore, Belgaum, Bellary, Hassan,Tumkur and rest of the places such as Kolar, Mandya, Karwar, Udupi, Raichur, Bidar, Chitradurga, Chennapatna, Koppal, Chikamagalur, Shimoga, Sirsi,Haveri, Puttur mass meeting was held in front of head post office etc, also gate meetings were many head post offices in Bangalore City .
In Bangalore at two main centers one at GPO the participation in strike was 55%
and other at Kendria sadhan the participation in strike was 95%. many of the post offices are closed in all parts of Bangalore City with 80% participation in Bangalore city . In districts the strike varies from 70% to 100% in post offices as per the reports received from Districts.
Income tax offices in the state were almost closed, near 100% participation by Emp
A few news papers are publishing its reports in tomorrow news paper .(Indian Express, Prajavani, Hindu, Deccan herald) it is also learnt TV9 and Udaya news showed the strike.
The COC Karnataka thanks one and all for the joint effort making this 12.12.12 strike a success.
Comradely yours
General Secretary
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