Press Information Bureau
Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
12-December-2012 17:22 IST
Technology to Minimize Corruption
The use
of modern Information and Communication Technology (ICT) can reduce corruption
in the public service delivery systems by increasing transparency and
accountability. Use of modern ICT can reduce direct contact between citizens
and public servants who provide public services and thus reduce the scope for
corruption in the delivery of public services. The use of computers in the
railways and in the income-tax department are good examples of the salutary
effect modern technology has had in reducing corruption in both the
organizations. Modern ICT platforms can also help in increasing participation
of all sections of the society, in the process of governance, by providing them
greater voice and connectivity. Government has, therefore, been emphasizing the
use of modern technology so as to bring about transparency and accountability
in all government organizations. The Central Vigilance Commission has issued
guidelines advising Government/Public Sector Undertakings/Organisations to
adopt and follow e-tendering solution in their procurement activities. To
streamline payment and have an effective view on the pendency of contractor
payments, the Commission has recommended adoption of e-payment and other
measures for reduction of public interface in effecting payments etc.
This was stated by Shri V. Narayanasamy, Minister of State in the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension and Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office in written reply to a question by Dr.M.Jagannath in Lok Sabha today. |
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