I saw somehting beautiful and felt attracted, but was afraid too... An everlasting beauty that no one could ever notice, ever know A beauty that brought hope A beauty that bought happiness As pure as a dew drop, as beautiful as a cute baby, It surrounded me all the time Delighted to know more, and to travel till its core.. As attractive it was... still afraid... I could see,a light of glory a vision of destiny and a life. A life of dreams and dreams All beauties may be a joy forever But it'll remain as a pain forever A pain of missing , the pain of losing Realising myself, that though its the greatest truth, it'll be a fake story for me.. The most beauty , that was not meant for me, unreachable just like the stars above |
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For Further Reading,
- Personality Development - 5 life lessons I learned from Kung Fu Panda 2, watch the movie trailor too
- How to quit Smoking? And why?
- Chanakya's Quotes - Chanakya (Indian politician, strategist and writer,350 BC-275 BC)
- China bans Ramadan fasting in Muslim province
- I am Me. In all the world, there is no one else exactly like me....
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