National Anomaly Committee agenda item 8.3 : Non-issuance of orders by the Finance Ministry - NFIR
Item No.5(ii),(iv)(with32&33),(v)(
NFIR General Secretary writes a letter to DoP&T and Finmin pertaining to that the Railway staff continues to face hardship due to non-issuance of orders by the Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, for the decision on the agenda item 8.3 has been taken in the National Anomaly Committee, which was held on 17th July, 2012. The letter has been uploaded on its official website and we have reproduced full text of the letter and given below for your information...
National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
(Affiliated to Indian National Trade Union Congress)
Dated : 03/11/2012
Sub : Item No.5(ii),(iv)(with 32&33),(v)(vii) - Rule 8 of the Revised Pay Rules Fixation of pay on promotion - minutes of the meeting of the National Anomaly Committee held on 17th July, 2012 - reg.
A large number of staff working in the Central Secretariat Services including the Railway Board have represented to the NFIR that though the decision on the above item has been taken in the National Anomaly Committee meeting held on 17th July 2012, the staff contiunes to face hardship due to non-issuance of orders by the Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance.
In this connection, attention is invited to the minutes of item No.8.3 of the meeting referred to above, extract of which is given below :-
"Staff Side stated that anomaly in this case is basically due to the fact that it is for the firs time that CPC has recommended specific entry level pay for Direct Recruits (DRs). This has resulted in employees who were appointed in service prior to the DRs and got promoted earlier getting less pay as compared to their counterparts recruited directly and who joined after 01.01.2006. The Official Staff stated that in such cases stepping up of pay is permissible subject to certain conditions. However, the Staff Side insisted that on promotion, the pay of all the promotees should be fixed at the entry level of pay of the post as in the case of the direct recruits wherever
The Staff Side requested that in cases where no direct recruitment actually took place even though RRs provided for the same or when a DR did not join, stepping up of pay should be considered.
This suggestion of the Staff Side was considered by the Official Side, who responded by stating that wherever there is a provision of direct recruitment in the Recruitment Rules, pay on promotion would be fixed at the prescribed minimum of the Entry Pay as provided for the Direct Entrants in the Revised Pay Rules, irrespective of the fact whether direct recruitment has actually taken place or not. The Staff Side agreed to close this issue thereafter."
The NFIR, therefore, requests that necessary clarification may kindly be issued at an early date to rectiry the anomalous sitation. A copy of the instructions issued may be endorsed to the Federation.
Yours faithfully,
General Secretary
Source: NFIR
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