Air India to Pay Up-to-Date Salary to its Employees before Diwali
On the direction from Union Minister of Civil Aviation Shri Ajit Singh, Air India has decided to clear payment of salary to all its employees for the months of September and October 2012 before Diwali. It will also make up-to-date payment of PLI for all licensed category employees for the months of May and June 2012. The Airline will incur an expenditure of Rs.230 crores for payment of salary and Rs.200 crores for payment of PLI. The balance PLI for non-licensed category employees for the months of May and June 2012 involving an expenditure of Rs.60 crores will be paid by the end of November 2012. PLI has been abolished w.e.f. 1st July 2012.
Shri Ajit Singh while expressing concern over welfare of employees has asked Air India to make all efforts in future to make up-to-date payment of salary to the employees.
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For Further Reading,
- Tributes paid to Babu Jagjivan Ram on Samta Diwas
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