Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Introduction of Single Window System in Union Public Service Commission for receiving requisitions for direct recruitment posts to be filled by selection through interview- regarding

Introduction of Single Window System in Union Public Service Commission for receiving requisitions for direct recruitment posts to be filled by selection through interview- regarding

No.39011/05/2012-Estt (B)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Training)
North Block, New Delhi,
Dated the 04th July, 2012

Subject :- Introduction of Single Window System in Union Public Service Commission for receiving requisitions for direct recruitment posts to be filled by selection through interview- regarding.

The undersigned is directed to say that in order to reduce delay in finalizing recruitment proposals due to short comings/discrepancies in requisition, the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has decided to switch over to Single Window System for accepting requisitions(in UPSC-33 proforma) henceforth for direct recruitment posts to be filled by Selection through interview. In this context, the UPSC had already organized work shop apprising the indenting Ministries / Departments about certain discrepancies/shortcomings found in the requisitions.
2. Under this new system. the requisitioning Ministries/Departments shall now be required to bring their complete proposals (requisitions) along with following documents by hand for on the spot scrutiny by the designated officer in UPSC in terms of the Checklist annexed: -

(i) Notified Recruitment Rules/Service Rules alongwith the date.

(ii) All up-to-date notified relevant amendments in recruitment Rules/Service Rules alongwith the date.

(iii) Act and regulation referred to in the RRs/Service Rules or in the amendments in RRs/Service Rules.

(iv) All up-to-date relevant amendments in the Act and regulation referred to in the RRs/Service Rules or in the amendments in RRs/Service Rules.

(v) All up-to-date Notification/Instructions regarding “Educational Qualifications’ treated as equivalent to the Essential/Desirable Qualifications for the post. This is of significance only when “or equivalent” is specified under Essential/Desirable Qualifications.

(vi) All up-to-date Notifications/Instructions regarding “Foreign Educational Qualifications’ treated as equivalent to the Essential/Desirable qualifications for the post. This is of significance only when "or equivalent” is specified under Essential/Desirable Qualifications.

(vii) Certified serial numbered index list in chronological order, indicating details (including date) of the above mentioned documents.

Henceforth, the All Ministries/Departments are required to authorize a representative not below the level of Under Secretary to appear in the Commission’s office in person with a prior appointment (Ph No. 011-23098591, Extn-4784) and hand over the requisition, complete in all respect, with all the relevant documents/ records to Under Secretary (IFC). The requisition received at the window would initially be scrutinized in terms of the information sought in the proforma and in consonance with the checklist. In complete cases would be returned at the counter itself after pointing out deficiencies. Only cases, which are complete in all respect as per the checklist, would only be accepted for further detailed scrutiny and examination.

4. All Ministries/Departments are requested to take note of above new system being introduced by the UPSC and bring the same to the notice of all requisitioning Departments. It may also be ensured that whenever a requisition for direct recruitment by Selection through Interview is to be referred by there questioning Ministries/Departments to the Commission, an officer not below the level of Under Secretary may be deputed in the Commission’s office alongwith the complete case records and duly tilled in proforma/check-list as indicated above.


Please click here to view the "Requisition for Recruitment by Selection-Check-List"


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