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Government of India Ministry of Human Resource Development
12-December-2012 18:23 IST
Single Entrance Test
Central Universities (CUs) are autonomous bodies established through an Act of
Parliament and are governed by their Act, Statutes and Ordinances made there
under. All academic matters, including the admission of students, are decided
by the Statutory Authorities of the Central University concerned. Seven Central
Universities are already conducting a Common Entrance Test.
In a Conference of Vice-Chancellors of Central Universities held in 2010, there was a consensus that the present college/ institution - specific system of admission to undergraduate courses places an immense burden on the students as well as their parents. If there is a Common Entrance Test, it will save students from taking multiple entrance tests conducted by different universities at different places and on different dates and will save on the related expenses as well. It will enable candidates from all over the country to seek admission to any of the Central Universities. The proposed admission procedure envisages freedom to each University to assign suitable weight age to marks obtained in the class 12 Board exams and the scores of the Common Entrance Test. In the conference of Vice-Chancellors of Central Universities and in the meeting of the Council of Vice Chancellors of Central Universities held in 2012, it was decided that the Common Entrance Examination should test the general and subject-related aptitude through a single examination and should be held both in English and Hindi. Minority CUs and Unique CUs may have the option to participate in the Common Entrance Test and special courses such as fine/performing arts would be given separate treatment. The Vice-Chancellor, Central University of Tamil Nadu has been given the responsibility to prepare a document in consultation with Vice-Chancellors of other Central Universities to take this farther. The Vice-Chancellors of Central Universities themselves took a collective decision for the Common Entrance Test. This information was given by the Minister of State for Human Resource Development, Dr. Shashi Tharoor in Lok Sabha today. |
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