Press Information Bureau
Government of India Ministry of Minority Affairs
07-December-2012 18:43
Improvement in Condition of Muslims
The poverty estimates for Muslims are based on
the Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2009-10 released by the Planning
Commission, Government of India in March 2012.
In urban areas poverty ratio at all India level is highest for Muslims (33.9%). Similarly, for urban areas the poverty ratio is high for Muslims in states such as Rajasthan (29.5%), Uttar Pradesh (49.5%), Gujarat (42.4%), Bihar (56.5%) and West Bengal (34.9%) In rural areas, the head count ratio for Muslims is very high in states such as Assam (53.6%), Uttar Pradesh (44.4%), West Bengal (34.4%) and Gujarat (31.4%) As per the India Human Development Report 2011 published by the Institute of Applied Manpower Research, Planning Commission details regarding Literacy And Employment status of Muslims are - Literacy Rate for Muslims, 2007-08. Rural -63.5%; Urban-75.1% ; Source: Calculated from NSS Database 64th Round (for 2007-08). Note: For population 7 years and above. Employment Status for Muslims, 2007-08. Worker Population Ratio by Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status for Muslims in 2009-10. Rural-51.8%; Urban-45.9%; Source: Calculated from NSS, Database (50th and 61st Rounds). Note: For population aged 15 years and above. The details of schemes/programmes being implemented by the Ministry for the welfare of notified minorities, including Muslims, are - -Multi-sectoral Development Programme (MsDP) - Pre-matric Scholarship Scheme - Post-matric Scholarship Scheme. - Maulana Azad National Fellowship For Minority Students. - Merit-cum-Means based Scholarship. - Free Coaching and Allied Scheme. - Maulana Azad Education Foundation Scholarship Scheme for Meritorious Girls - Loan Schemes of National Minorities Development & Finance Corporation. - Leadership Development of Minority Women. - Computerization of records of State Wakf Boards. - Schemes of other Ministries/Departments under Prime Minister’s New 15 Point Programme where earmarking of 15% of financial outlays/physical targets is done or flow of fund/benefit to areas with substantial minority population and progress under schemes/initiatives meant for minorities is monitored. This was stated by Shri Ninong Ering, the Minister of State in the Ministry of Minority Affairs in response to a written question in Lok Sabha yesterday. The question related to the latest data available on the poverty, literacy and employment status of the Muslim in the country; and the schemes and programmes being implemented/proposed to be implemented by the Union government to improve the condition of the Muslims in the States |
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