Appointment on compassionate grounds in the Clerical Cadre - urge to fill up vacancies - NFIR
National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
(Affiliated to Indian National Trade Union Congress)
Dated : 03/11/2012
The Member Staff,
Railway Board,
Dear Sir,
Sub: Appointment on compassionate grounds in the Clerical Cadre - urge to fill up vacancies - reg.
Ref : Railway Board's letter No.E(NG)II/91/RR-1/20 dated 03/12/1991.
NFIR wishes to invite kind attention of the Railway Board (MS) to the fact that the Railway Board vide letter, quoted under reference, had imposed ban in filling up the vacancies in the Clerical Cadre (Clerks and Senior Clerks) falling in the share of direct recruitment and at the same time had frozen 25% of such vacancies initially for a period of two years. These instructions further stipulate that Railways would undertake critical review of unfilled D.R. quota vacancies and progressively surrender the posts. A period of more than 21 years has passed and the present postion in the Clerical Cadre throughout the Zonal Railways/Producation Units has gone from bad to worse, and after over two decades the quality of working system at different levels is getting eroded.
2. The NFIR desires to add that the extant instructions of the Railway Board have banned the intake in the Clerical Cadre even through Compassionate Ground appointments where female wards/widows of the Railway employees are not at all being considered. The General Managers for the purpose expect justification from the DRMs/Heads of Units, consequently the clerical posts are either lying vacant or surrendered in the mid and at the end of every financial year without caring the consequences of shortage. This situation is really alarming and if the Railway Board's order continues for some more years there might be no clercial staff to even proces the papers what to speak of noting/drafting duly connecting instructions/rules, more particularly in Accounts and Personnel Departments of Railways.
NFIR, therefore, makes the following suggestions :-
(i) Freezing of 25% posts in Clerical Cadre in GP Rs.1900 and Rs.2800 should be lifted with immediate effect,
(ii) The condition laid down in Baord's letter for considering compassionate appointment to wards of deceased/medically invalidated (who possess grdauate qualification) be removed.
NFIR urges the Railway Board (MS) to kindly consider the above suggestions and see that revised instructions are issued, duly endoring copy to the Federation.
Yours faithfully,
General Secretary
Source: NFIR
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