Recruitment of 894 Probationary Assistant Managers JMGS-I Vijaya Bank invites applications (on-line only) from Young and Dynamic candidates who have qualified in the common written examination (CWE)-PO/MT- conducted by Institute of Banking Personnel Selection IBPS in 2011-12 and holding a valid score card issued by IBPS, for recruitment for the posts of Probationary Assistant Manager (JMG-S-I) in Officers Cadre Eligible candidates, (who are having valid IBPS CWE-PO/MT-2011-12 score card) are requested to apply on-line through Bank’s website No other means/mode of application will be accepted Important Dates Opening date for On-Line Registration: 16th May, 2012 Closing date for on-line registration (for all applicants, including those from far flung areas): 02nd June, 2012 Payment of application fee/Intimation charges: 16th May, 2012 to 30th May, 2012 Vacancies: Probationary Assistant Manager, JMG-S-I, SC 147, ST 125, OBC 273, UR 349, Total 894 Age (as on 01st July, 2012): Minimum 20 years maximum 30 years Relaxation in upper age limit SC/ST candidates 5 years, OBC (persons who do not belong to creamy layer/section) 3 years, Persons domiciled in Kashmir Division in J&K State during the period from 01.01.1980 to 31.12.1989 5 years, PwD 10 years, Children/Family members of those who died in the 1984 riots 5 years, In the case of ex-servicemen commissioned officers including ECOs/ SSCOs who have rendered atleast 5 years military service and have been released on completion of assignment (including those whose assignment is due to be completed within the next one year from the last date for receipt of application) other than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency or on account of physical disability attributable to military service or on invalidment by 5 years Pay Scale: Rs 14,500/- to 25,700/- Approximate total monthly emoluments inclusive of Basic, DA, CCA, HRA etc, at the start of the scale at metropolitan centres Rs 26,000/- In addition, officers are also eligible for Accommodation/House Rent Reimbursement (in lieu of HRA), Leave encashment and LTC encashment in lieu of LTC, Reimbursement of Conveyance, Medical Aid, Hospitalization expenses, Retirement benefits, Loans at concessional rates etc as per the Bank’s scheme Eligibility Criteria Nationality/Citizenship: A candidate must be either (i) a citizen of India or (ii) a subject of Nepal or (iii) a subject of Bhutan or (iv) a Tibetan Refugee who came over to India before 01st January, 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India or (v) a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India, provided that a candidate belonging to categories (ii), (iii), (iv) & (v) above shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Govt of India. A candidate in whose case a certificate of eligibility is necessary may be admitted to the examination/interview conducted by the IBPS/Bank but on final selection the offer of appointment may be given only after the necessary eligibility certificate has been issued to him/her by the Govt of India Educational Qualification: Graduate in any discipline from a recognized University/Institution Degrees obtained from the recognized Universities/Institutes recognized by the Govt of India only will be considered The Educational Qualifications prescribed for the post are the minimum requirements for eligibility Candidates must specifically indicate the class/division and percentage of marks obtained calculated to the nearest two decimals in the relevant column of the online application Where no percentage of marks is awarded by the University, but only Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)/ Overall Grade Point Average (OGPA) is awarded, the same should be converted into percentage, besides indicating the CGPA/OGPA in the online application The result of the qualifying examination, graduation should have been announced by the University/ Institute, on or before 01st July, 2011 IBPS Common Written Examination Score: Candidates should have valid IBPS score card obtained in Common Written Examination (CWE) for Probationary Officers (POs)/Management Trainees (MTs) 2011-12 with minimum Total Weighted Standard scores and Individual Subject Score Unreserved (UR) (General Category) 138 and above, SC/ST/OBC/PwD 113 and above IBPS CWE-PO/MT 2011-12 (Individual Subjects) Test of Reasoning (TR), Unreserved 24 and above, SC/ST/OBC/PwD 21 and above Test of English Language (EN), Unreserved 24 and above, SC/ST/OBC/PwD 21 and above Test of Quantitative Aptitude (QA), Unreserved 24 and above, SC/ST/OBC/PwD 21 and above Test of General Awareness (GA), Unreserved 24 and above, SC/ST/OBC/PwD 21 and above Test of Computer Knowledge (CK), Unreserved 24 and above, SC/ST/OBC/PwD 21 and above Descriptive Paper on English (DP), Unreserved 24 and above, SC/ST/OBC/PwD 21 and above Those candidates, though hold a valid score card issued by IBPS in the CWE for PO/MT 2011-2012 but have the marks less than the score mentioned above in TWS as well as Individual subjects are not eligible to apply Selection Procedure Group discussion and/or interview (at the discretion of the Bank) Depending upon the number of vacancies, only those candidates (with the above minimum score in the CWE conducted by IBPS and possess a valid score card issued by IBPS), who have applied to our Bank’s vacancy notification and rank sufficiently high in the order of merit based on the TWS and as decided by the Bank shall be called for group discussion and/or interview Group Discussion: Communication Skills, Analytical Skills, Personality Traits etc will be assessed through group discussion Maximum marks will be 50 Candidates should secure a minimum of 40% (35% for reserved category candidates), minimum 20 (17.5 for reserved category candidates) marks in the group discussion to be merit listed Interview: The interview shall be conducted to assess the personality traits having bearing on interpersonal competence, emotional stability, adaptability, courtesy, self confidence and temperament, positive attitude towards work/ people and communication skills etc Maximum marks for interview shall be 100 with minimum qualifying marks of 40% (35% in case of reserved category candidates, as per GoI guidelines) Final Selection: Final selection will be on the basis of the merit ranking reckoned after adding the marks obtained in the total weighted score in the CWE, group discussion and/or interview Group Discussion/Interview Centres: The group discussion and interview or only Interview, as the case may be, will be held in different centres and the addresses of the venue will be displayed in the Bank’s website approximately one week before the dates of commencement of group discussion and/or interview Request for change of centre of group discussion and/or interview shall not be entertained Bank reserves the right to cancel any of the centres and/or add some other centres/or re-hold group discussion/interview depending upon the response, administrative feasibility, exigencies etc Application Fee: Kindly ensure the eligibility for the post, before paying the application fees/intimation charges as the same is not refundable Rs 50/- towards Intimation charges for SC/ST/PwD candidates, Rs 200/- application fee (including postal charges) for all others including OBC/Ex-SM candidates The application fee/intimation charges can be paid by directly remitting the amount in any of the Vijaya Bank branches Fee Procedure: Take print-out of the payment challan (in triplicate) from website Fill the particulars, IBPS CWE-PO/MT 2011-12 Registration Number, Name, Date of Birth, Contact Tele Number, Category, Amount deposited, Depositing Branch Name and City Go to the nearest Vijaya Bank Branch with the Fee Payment Challan and pay, in cash, the appropriate Application/Intimation charges in Account No-900900022503006 towards Vijaya Bank Rec_Proj 2012-13 Scale-I Collect the candidate’s copy of fee payment challan (in duplicate) from the Branch Please verify that challan is properly signed and the details of Transaction Number, Branch Name and Deposit Date are noted in the challan by the Branch Authorities Log on to bank’s website for applying on line After on line registration, candidates are requested to write their Registration Number on the back of the Payment Challan The application fee/intimation charges should be paid between 16th May, 2012 and 30th May, 2012 (both dates inclusive) Even if the last date of registration changes due to any/technical reasons, the valid dates for payment of application fee/intimation charges will not be changed Payment of fee by demand draft/cheque/money orders/postal orders etc or any other mode will not be accepted and such applications will be summarily rejected Identity Verification: While appearing for the group discussion and/or interview, the candidate should produce his/her photo identity such as PAN card/passport/driving license/voters ID card/bank pass book with photograph/photo embossed credit card for verification If the identity of the candidate is in doubt, the candidate will not be allowed for group discussion and/or Interview Probation: Two years for Probationary Assistant Managers in JMG-S-I Indemnity Bond: The Probationary Assistant Managers in JMG-S-I joining the services of the Bank are required to serve the Bank for a minimum prescribed period of 3 years from the date of joining the bank and are also required to execute an indemnity bond of Rs 2 Lakh (Rs two lakh only) at the time of joining the Bank indemnifying that they will pay an amount of Rs 2 lakh to the Bank, if they leave the service before completion of the stipulated period of 3 years Before applying for the post, the candidate should ensure that he/she fulfils the eligibility and other norms mentioned in this advertisement Decision of the Bank in all matters regarding eligibility of the candidate, the stages at which such scrutiny of eligibility is to be undertaken, the documents to be produced for the purpose of the conduct of examination, interview, selection and any other matter relating to recruitment will be final and binding on the candidate The Bank in this behalf shall not entertain any correspondence or personal enquiries The application once made will not be allowed to be withdrawn and the fee once paid will not be refunded on any account nor would this fee be held in reserve for future examination/selection Applications which are incomplete in any respect will be rejected and the fee will be forfeited Calling/admission to the group discussion and/or interview is purely provisional without verification of age/ qualification/ category etc of the candidates Mere receipt of call letter for group discussion and/or interview does not imply that the Bank is satisfied about the candidate’s eligibility Candidates should ensure their eligibility before applying/attending the group discussion/interview Bank reserves the right to reject ineligible candidate’s applications at any stage and the fee paid by ineligible candidates shall be forfeited The short listed candidates are required to submit photocopy of all the documents pertaining to age, qualification, experience, caste etc at the time of group discussion and/or interview These documents will be verified with originals at the time of group discussion/interview If any candidate is found ineligible while verifying the documents, he/she shall not be allowed to take up group discussion/interview Candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/PwD categories should keep ready an attested copy of certificate issued by competent authority in the prescribed format as stipulated by Govt of India In case of candidates belonging to OBC category, certificate should specifically contain a clause that the candidate does not belong to creamy layer section excluded from the benefits of reservation for OBC in Civil post and services under Govt of India OBC caste certificate should not be more than one year old How to Apply The eligible candidates are required to apply on-line through Bank’s website The guidelines for filling on-line application are as follows, Candidates should have a valid personal e-mail ID (the same email ID registered with IBPS CWE-PO/MT 2011-12) This e-mail ID should be kept functional till completion of this recruitment project All the communication will be sent to the candidates on this e-mail ID only Candidates should have remitted the requisite fee in any branch of Vijaya Bank and should have details of payment made Please note that without valid fee payment details, on-line registration of application will be summarily rejected Candidates are required to visit the Bank’s website, Recruitment page and click on the relevant link and apply for the post Alternatively, candidates can click the link Recruitment Notification scrolling in the Announcement column The link for registration of application will be open on our website on the dates indicated at the top of this advertisement After filling in all the required particulars, candidates shall submit the application on-line Candidates should take utmost care to furnish the correct details while filling in on-line application Submission of incorrect/false information in the online application will render the candidature invalid Retain a copy of the final on-line application print out along with registration number and password safely for your records The name of the candidate or his/her father/husband etc should be spelt correctly in the application as it appears in the certificates/mark sheets Any change/alteration found may disqualify the candidature Candidates are advised in their own interest to apply online much before the closing date and not to wait till the last date to deposit the fees to avoid the possibility of disconnection/ inability/ failure to log on to the Bank’s website on account of internet failure/ website jam/congestion/choking etc The Bank does not assume any responsibility for the candidates not being able to submit their applications within the last date on account of the aforesaid reasons or for any other reasons beyond the control of the Bank Candidates need not send application print/documents at this stage If shortlisted for group discussion and/or interview, at the time of group discussion/interview, candidates have to submit the following documents/certificates in original along with a attested (by a Gazetted/ Bank Officer) photocopy of the same with the printout of the group discussion/interview call letter, Print-out of on-line application submitted to the Bank with photo and signature affixed at appropriate place, Copy of on-line application for CWE for POs/ MTs-2011 submitted to IBPS, Fee payment challan, IBPS score card in original, Proof of Date of Birth along with proof of certificate for age relaxation, if any, Certificates and mark lists from SSC/SSLC/X std, 10+2/ PUC /Intermediate, Graduation, Post Graduation (if any) etc, Caste certificate in case of SC/ST/OBC category candidates and medical certificate in case of PwD candidates, Photo-identity proof (as specified), Any other relevant documents Originals of the documents should be presented for verification Candidates will not be allowed to take up group discussion and/or interview with out production of the original documents/ certificates/marksheets Call letter: The candidates who have been shortlisted will only be called for the group discussion and/or interview and their details and schedule for group discussion and/or interview will be made available in Bank’s website All the communications, call letters for group discussion/interview etc, will be sent only to the registered e-mail ID given by the candidate Request for sending to different e-mail ID subsequently will not be entertained Alternatively the call letter for group discussion and/or interview can be downloaded from the Bank’s website Bank will not take responsibility for late receipt/non-receipt of call letter/any communication e-mailed due to whatsoever reasons to the candidate Hence candidates are requested to keep track of their application status by visiting Bank’s website as well as checking of their registered e-mail account from time to time during the recruitment process Share and Care For Latest Updates Always visit For Beautiful Wallpapers Always visit |

For Further Reading,
- MoU between Indian Army and HDFC Bank
- Vijaya Bank Recruitment 2013 of Probationary Manager (Security)
- Recruitment Guidelines for the Central Public Sector Enterprises
- Filling up of post of Personal Assistant in Staff Selection Commission (WR), Mumbai — regarding
- Special Class Railway Apprentices’ Examination, 2013
- Central Government Jobs Dec 2012
- Promotion and postings - Appointment of meritorious Sports persons - DELAY IN SETTLEMENT OF CLAIMS
- Revision of format for OBC Caste Certificate
- Vacancies in Government Departments
- Recruitment on all India basis by open competition and otherwise than by open competition - Clarification regarding
- PSU bank employees will soon get pay hike, arrears for 30 months
- Easy Registration for Mobile Banking Services to Customers by Banks
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