(Postal Manual Volume VI Qn 51 to 75) 51. Preliminary sorting of mails is done by a) Mail Office b) Returned Letter Office c) Post Office d) Head office Ans:c(84) 52. The postman returns undelivered unpaid articles to a) Treasurer b) Deposit PA c) The Postmaster d) Delivery PA Ans:c(123) 53. An article bearing “OIGS” addressed to the officer of Central Govt Service bearing his name & designation is delivered to a) Name b) Designation c) Incharge of the office d) None of these Ans:b(101) 54. To ascertain the punctual clearance of letter box, the postmaster a) Post test letters b) Post trial Cards c) Post test Cards d) All the above Ans:a(73) 55. Delivery beat list are prepared by a) Sub Divisional Head b) Supdt of Post Office c) Postmaster of concerned PO d) Head Postman of concerned beat Ans:c(102) 56. Window delivery tickets are meant for receiving a) Regd/Unregistered mail at the window of the PO b) Fully prepaid unregistered mails for the addressee across the window c) Fully prepaid unregistered mail in a locked bag d) All the above Ans:c(100) 57. In case of inward unpaid foreign mails, the article can be taxed a) By any post office b) by only the Head Post office c) By the office of exchange in India d) By the RMS office only Ans:c(115) 58. Accounts and branch office bags received in mail bags should be transferred to a) The Sorting PA b) The sub account PA c) The PM/SPM d) The treasurer Ans:d(106) 59. The unpaid station bundle addressed to the office should be a) Opened by the delivery PA b) Taken by the Postman for delivery c) Made over, unopened , by the delivery PA, to the Postmaster d) None of these Ans:c(108) 60. The paid unregistered article to be transferred to the deposit department at the time of delivery will comprise a) Article to be redirected b) Articles to be deposited c) Articles the addresses of which are not known/articles with undecipherable and incomplete addresses/articles with fictitious address d) All the above Ans:d(113) 61. Particulars of window delivery ticket issued should be entered in a) Postmaster Order book b) Postmaster Daily dairy c) Register of window delivery tickets(MS 23) d) All the above Ans:c(100) 62. Window delivery ticket prepared in form a) MS 23 b) MS 22 c) MS 24 d) MS 11 Ans:c(100) 63. Post boxes and bags entitling the renders to receive delivery of all a) Fully prepaid Parcels and VP parcels b) Any letters c) Fully prepaid unregistered letter, ILC, PC, d) All the above Ans:c(100) 64. Beat instruction register prepared in form a) MS 32 b) MS 31 c) MS 30 d) MS 24 Ans:a(102) 65. Book of addresses instructions is maintained by a) Deposit Assistant b) Postmaster c) Mail Assistant d) Sorting Assistant Ans:a(133) 66. Undelivered acknowledgement cards are to be destroyed after a) 15 days b) One month c) Three Months d) Four Months Ans:d(143) 67. If an article issued by RLO either for deliver to the addressees or to return to the sender cannot be delivered a) It may be redirected whenever the revised address of the addressee/sender is not known the PO b) It should be again returned to RLO c) It should be burnt d) It should be sent to the HPO for safe custody Ans:a(139) 68. Undelivered packets containing Registered Newspaper return to sender a) On the same day b) After 7 days c) After 15 days d) After one month Ans:b(143) 69. Permanent instructions are valid for a) One year b) Two years c) Three years d) Five years Ans:c(133) 70. Instructions regarding authorizing Post Office to pay money order to another person are valid for a) One year b) Two years c) Three years d) Five years Ans:c(133) 71. If the addressee of ordinary article is not traceable and address of the sender is not noted on the article a) The article is kept in office undelivered b) The beat postman tries to find out the addressee once again c) The deposit PA forward it RLO after passing remark in red ink after keeping in deposit for 7 days d) The article may be destroyed with permission of Postmaster / Sub postmaster . Ans:c(143) 72. An article for which notice of arrival has been tendered to the addressee, it a) Can be redirected to a new address b) Cannot be redirected to address elsewhere c) Can be redirected on collection of specified fee d) None of these Ans:b(131) 73. Unclaimed unregistered article marked ‘ Poste restante’ should be deposited of a) Two months b) After 7 days c) After 15 days d) After one month Ans:d(143) 74. I class foreign inward mail on redirections are eligible for free redirection a) Up to the new address b) Within India c) Not eligible for air transmission d) Cannot be redirected Ans:b(137) 75. Instruction slip means a) Letter of instruction received for public b) Instruction given by the postmaster to his subordinates c) A document in which gist of instruction in connection with delivery / redirection of postal article from public are communicated to departments d) None of these Ans:c(134) ( Prepared by AB Kantharaja Mobile 08969822340) Share and Care For Latest Updates Always visit http://satish24k.blogspot.in For Beautiful Wallpapers Always visit http://24ksatish.blogspot.in |

For Further Reading,
- Postal Assistant Examination 2013 - Model Paper
- LIC Assistant Administrative Officers (AAO) Mock Exam
- Flash News - Inspector Posts Exam Results - IP Examination 2014
- Kinds of Leave admissible for Central Government Employees:
- Inspector Posts Exam 2014 Study Material
- Keys in Paper I and Paper II (A, B,C and D series) of PS Gr.B examination 2012 held on 03.06.2012
- Revised and recast result of Departmental examination for selection to the Post of IP examination for the year 2012 held from 13th and 14th October 2012
- Promotion and postings - Appointment of meritorious Sports persons - DELAY IN SETTLEMENT OF CLAIMS
- What is Digital India? Must know
- Monetary ceiling of briefcase/ladles purses for official purposes -INDIA POST
- IAS 2014 Latest News -Instructions from DOPT regarding Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination 2014 conducted by UPSC
- Service Allocation To Candidates Recommended By UPSC Based On The Civil Services Examination-2013-DOPT
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