Appointment of Inquiry Officers (IOs) and Presenting Officer (POs) in disciplinary cases No.372/19/2011-AVD-III(Pt.I) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Personnel & Training New Delhi the 26th September, 2011. Subject: Appointment of Inquiry Officers (IOs) and Presenting Officer (POs) in disciplinary cases. The Government had constituted a Group of Ministers (GoM) on 6th January, 2011 with the approval of the Prime Minister to consider measures that can be taken by the Government to tackle corruption. One of the terms of reference (ToR) of the GoM was to consider and advise on ‘Fast tracking of all cases of public servants accused of corruption “. The GoM, while considering this ToR also considered certain important recommendations of the Hota Committee (Committee of Experts to review ¡he procedure of Disciplinary/Vigilance Inquiries and recommend measures for their expeditious disposal) and recommended that Departments/Ministries should primarily use serving officers as IOs & POs and that in important cases, they may request CVC to appoint their CDI as IO. The GoM has also recommended that the CVC may also maintain a panel of IOs/POs from amongst retired officers, whose services can also be utilized by various Ministries/Departments. The above recommendations of the OM have been accepted by the Government and accordingly all Ministries/Departments are advised to use serving officers as IOs & POs and in important cases, request the CVC to appoint their CDI as IO. They may also, in appropriate cases, utilize the services of IOs/POs who would be available on the panel to be maintained by CVC, in consultation with CVC. sd/- (V.M.Rathnam) Deputy Secretary to the Government of India |

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