Tirupur First to Arrive at Zero Liquid Discharge Technology
It is to be noted that due to the High Court order, the Dyeing & Processing Industry in Tirupur has terrible problem, with many of the units shut. Dr. Sakthivel informed that, on behalf of Dyers Association of Tirupur, he feels proud that all processing is carried out now with 100% Zero Discharge Technology. “We are sure that Tirupur will be back to normalcy and there will be upward progress in supplies to both in domestic and international markets and will catch up by the time global economic slowdown ends up,” he said. Dr. Sakthivel also stated that, “Now both Common Effluent Treatment Plants (CETPs) and Individual units are following this ZLD technology and are successfully meeting the requirements of the trade and servicing the requirements. More than 50% of total units are running. Approximately 494 Dyeing units and 162 bleaching units were there before closing down due to court order. There are 16 CETPs under operation out of 18 now.” On the problem of water shortage, Dr. Sakthivel said: “As far as water is concerned, we are not facing any problem since we are re-using the water up to 90%. Moreover, due to this ZLD technology, some marginal percentage was being used after colour processing - in the form of salt water as concentrated salt solution - called BRINE Solution re-use.” He further informed that, on the energy front, we are facing problem in running the units. “We are incurring more operational cost due to heavy load shedding and due to usage of diesel gensets,” he added. On the Tirupur business acumen, Chairman AEPC said that, “People here are very determined. They are very strong in continuing their established business. They will explore various ways and means to live-up to the expectations of their sourcing people both domestic and international, even if they have to do business with minor losses / minor margins, since this is a temporary phase and we have to continue with textile business to go a long way. Tirupur traders are well bent people to achieve their goals in spite of all bottlenecks – like sudden increase in yarn prices, sudden close down of Dyeing & Processing units and to add to that economic slowdown in our traditional markets i.e., USA & Europe.” |
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